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Bump testsuite to be compatible with solrj client 4.9.0HSTTWO-3029
Make DocumentObjectBinder pluggable through Spring in HippoSolrClientImplHSTTWO-3026
Site gives server error (NullPointerException) when resource bundle document contains keys with invalid languageHSTTWO-3025
Resource Bundle query can fail if live/preview credentials are configured to the same.HSTTWO-3024
Many WebApplicationExceptions are thrown during concurrency testHSTTWO-3023
Many ItemNotFoundExceptions logged during concurrency testingHSTTWO-3022
Send the exception message to the client instead of only the Client Error CodeHSTTWO-3021
User 'editor' belongs to 'webmaster' group, but this group is a 'system' groupHSTTWO-3020
Easy to break a sitemap item in page management after which you cannot repair it any moreHSTTWO-3018
Make hst:pages and hst:components possible to lock and publishHSTTWO-3016
Clean up unnecessary check in page composer module to 'unproxy' a jcr sessionHSTTWO-3015
ChannelInfo does not work in explicit preview mountsHSTTWO-3014
Explicit configured preview mounts do use preview content but not preview hst configurationHSTTWO-3013
Define ObjectConverter bean in Spring assembly to allow post processingHSTTWO-3011
Groovy script to move containers to workspace incorrectly also moves containers from prototype pages which is not allowedHSTTWO-3008
Reference freemarker.version from hippo-cms7-project pomHSTTWO-3007
Add support for deleting the preview configuration to MountResourceHSTTWO-3006
Fatal logs for non-fatal warningsHSTTWO-3005
HST Improvement: internal links rendered as canonical in richt text fieldsHSTTWO-3001
Groovy script to move containers to workspace should be bootstrapped automaticallyHSTTWO-3000
Add a blueprint for the intranet application of the testsuiteHSTTWO-2999
Testsuite uses same document type names for intranet and site appsHSTTWO-2977
request.getPathInfo() returns wrong path info in cms preview for submountsHSTTWO-2973
Not all properties of an hst:mount are exposedHSTTWO-2968
HST model fails to load new channel added manuallyHSTTWO-2967
Move getContentBean(HstRequest request, Class<T> beanMappingClass) to HstRequestContext as well and deprecate the one in BaseHstComponentHSTTWO-2953
Deprecate interface / proxy way of retrieving content beans as never used in practiceHSTTWO-2945
BinariesServlet: When matching an etag, content length should be set to 0 (zero)HSTTWO-2938
during shutdown of tomcat a SEVERE error is logged about InactiveRepositoryDisposerHSTTWO-2892
Many warnings during unit tests about not logged out sessionsHSTTWO-2885
when renaming a sitemap item, also rename the page definitionHSTTWO-2822
Incorrect javadoc at Mount class, function: getContentPath()HSTTWO-2807
When a sitemap parameter value contains property place holders that are not present, an NPE is thrownHSTTWO-2782
Support in HstQuery API to easily query for sub types of multiple bean types or primary node typesHSTTWO-2751
Enable formdata cleanup deamon by defaultHSTTWO-2720
Resource Bundles: fall-back to default valueHSTTWO-2631
Unresolvable site and NPE when log4j config is not specifiedHSTTWO-2610
containeritemcomponent should log a error when using hst:referencecomponent as this results in broken template composer behaviorHSTTWO-2575
Channel manager perspective fails to load due to bad host configurationHSTTWO-2495
Support from HST Query Filter to do equals case-insensitive and sort by case-insensitive
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