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- HSTTWO-3329
Tag and Release GA sprint 1 - HSTTWO-3327
Copyright footer on error pages/login page show 1999-2014 (2012) instead of 1999-2015 - HSTTWO-3324
PoolingRepositorySessionMustBeLoggedOutListener does not need to check HippoNodeType.HIPPO_PASSKEY event any more explicitly - HSTTWO-3323
Make sure JCR eventListeners registered via HST Spring beans get their methods invoked with HST webapp classloader - HSTTWO-3322
Regression: component properties cannot be edited anymore - HSTTWO-3321
CacheKey should be serializable because used in BinaryPage as instance variable which is serializable - HSTTWO-3319
Add display value for component configuration linkpicker property - HSTTWO-3318
BinariesServlet should not create an in-memory copy of large binaries - HSTTWO-3317
SSIAsynchronousComponentWindowRenderer should include component rendering URL xml escaped - HSTTWO-3316
include parentPathInfo in the REST output for SiteMapItem - HSTTWO-3315
Customer http request headers should start with X- - HSTTWO-3314
Regression : When multiple webmasters open same component properties window, they can override each others changes - HSTTWO-3313
Site and CMS in clustered setup behind a loadbalancer can result in skewed cluster node affinity causing channel mngr to not load - HSTTWO-3307
Create internal HST Guava event bus unit test asserting synchronous and exception catching behavior from Gauva - HSTTWO-3305
When deleting a page that contains children, the descendant child sitemap items get also removed but not their pages - HSTTWO-3303
<hst:html> tag library example error in .tld for formattedText attribute - HSTTWO-3300
[10 forward port] Guard the HstFreeMarkerServlet initialization against heavy initial concurrent usage - HSTTWO-3298
Update javadoc to fix issues/warnings - HSTTWO-3295
channel manager cannot save channel settings when hst:scheme is set to https - HSTTWO-3283
Decide what to do with tomcat 8.0.15 and higher wrt bad performance for undefined request attributes - HSTTWO-3275
Update htmlcleaner dependency to latest 2.12
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