Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- CMS-5884
Create sprint tag - CMS-5878
Improve HippoAnnotatatioHandlerFinder to also scan interfaces and superclasses when methods are overridden without repeating the Subscribe annotation - CMS-5877
Cannot re-select a component after page (re)load in the template composer - CMS-5876
Improve the javadocs for the newly added HippoEventBus and add a default HippoEventListener interface such that developers only need to implement that interface - CMS-5873
Create services jar for cross-application services - CMS-5872
Change default country for English to 'us' - CMS-5868
Select super-type when creating a new document type - CMS-5866
Channel properties should provide help text per property - CMS-5865
Allow adding and removing (dynamic) mixins to a document or compound type - CMS-5864
French translation - Wrong labels for "new-folder" and "new-translated-folder" - CMS-5863
Robotstxt forge plugin dependency should be managed by release pom - CMS-5861
Channel Manager should not have debug logging for all DataStores - CMS-5855
en_UK which is being used by the CMS is not a valid locale, should be en_GB - CMS-5846
Template composer should not give an error when no variants store is configured - CMS-5843
Disable option to edit properties for container items that are there through inherited configuration - CMS-5835
Behavioral Targeting - Default value is set for all persona's while adding a new component - CMS-5828
Rename 'variant' to a more namespaced attribute - CMS-5826
Datefield plugin shows English date format in the Dutch CMS - CMS-5809
Add persona tabs to the component properties box in the template composer - CMS-5797
Improve Control panel Users/Groups/Permissions labels - CMS-5783
External Link is two words - CMS-5375
Regression - Translated document linking is broken - CMS-2938
Document type dropdown: implement alphbetical sorting
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