Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- CMS-2393
Make console permissions privileges aware - CMS-2387
Workflows for requests not accessible to admin user. - CMS-2375
Provide translations for exceptions when executing workflow actions. - CMS-2374
CMS unstable when creating a document with the same name as a previous deleted document. - CMS-2372
Add check in / check out button to console - CMS-2343
Copy node dialog should select parent node instead of current node as target - CMS-2333
BasicReviewedActionsWorkflow restore method can Also throw MappingException and RepositoryException - CMS-2330
Use hippostd:taggable in defaultcontent - CMS-2302
Create doclisting that mimics handles for variants of documents - CMS-2301
Review current default authorization rules - CMS-2296
Create folder tree plugin for "faceted" tree - CMS-2286
Don't use sun.* classes for base64 encoding/decoding - CMS-2282
Create copy and move icon - CMS-2280
Faceted browsing prototype - CMS-2279
Faceted Browsing UI - CMS-2267
Support listeners in "ocm" layer - CMS-2197
m11 -> m12 upgrade modules - CMS-2196
m10 -> m11 upgrade modules / path - CMS-2155
Document tab / toolbar displays "unknown document" - CMS-2126
repair authorization self exclusion - CMS-2116
NPE at 'update all content' when same path used in multiple fields - CMS-2096
Improve flow: preview/edit/save/close cycle - CMS-2087
pulldown menu invisible while documents 'bar' open - CMS-2081
pulldown menu gone after update all content - CMS-2066
As a user, I want to change my password and email address - CMS-2053
Reimplement all standard Hippo CMS 6 features in CMS 7 - CMS-1968
Refactor User management, group management and permissions to match the new JR specific internal interfaces - CMS-1940
field properties survive their field in document type - CMS-1908
if the header above the document tab region is long, it splits in two lines, looking extremely ugly. - CMS-1827
Path field in template editor does not look editable - CMS-1714
When moving to jackrabbit 1.5 with lucene 2.3.x we need to refactor FacetTypeConstants because chars like uFFFF have become reserved chars in lucene - CMS-1431
Template editor: immediately update fields after changing parameter values - CMS-1139
hippo:application should be nt:base and not nt:unstructured - CMS-1130
Action buttons in the workflow plugin are presented in the markup as <li></li> elements with an empty <a> tag in it even when the action button is disabled - CMS-812
refactor workflowsplugin
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