When you need to create a deployment with [repository+site] only, the libraries hippo-services-webfiles and hippo-services-eventbus are missing in the created war
Currently, the webfiles are added to
The libs should move to the hippo-repository-dependencies.
From duplicate issue CMS-9618:
> So in order to come up with the distribution, I exaclty followed the
> documentation:
> However, I'm a little bit confused now, because it does not mention the
> hipp-services jars at all? Is it missing something?
I think the problem is mostly in our dependency setups, and not so
much in the documentation. I see we include the
'hippo-services-webfiles' artifact in
However, it can be better pulled in by
or perhaps just in the repository itself to pull it in transitively in
'hippo-repository-modules' which also pulls in
'hippo-services-eventbus' : A similar required artifact as
I'll discuss it with my team. I think we should improve this.
To fix the problem you now have, just make sure that from [1]
where you have
that you include
to the dependencies.