User1 (e.g. Author) has no privileges to publish
User2 (e.g. Editor) has privileges to publish
A - Let User1 create a new document of type news and request that it be published within 20 minutes
1 - log in as editor/editor
2 - navigate To the Documents
3 - add a News document to the news folder and enter a Title, then Done
4 - select Publication Action -> Scheduled Publication... and add 20 minutes to the current time
5 - log out
B - Let User2 approve the above request for publishing
1 - log in as author/author
2 - pick the above request from My todo list
3 - from Requests select Accept
- exp: the request is agreed upon and the document will be published at the time requested by User1.
- act: an exception is raised with the following text
java.lang.ClassCastException: $Proxy8 cannot be cast to org.hippoecm.repository.reviewedactions.FullReviewedActionsWorkflow
Issue Links
- waits for
CMS-3716 Editor cannot see Publication Messages
- Closed