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  1. Hippo CMS
  2. CMS-12529

Include in the page title the name of the selected document in the Content app



    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Normal
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 14.2.1, 14.3.0, 100.4.0
    • None
    • None
    • 1
    • Quasar
    • Puma Sprint 231, Puma Sprint 232, Puma Sprint 233, Puma Sprint 234


      Use case:

      Content author/editor works on multiple documents in the Content app and switches back and forth between Content and Experience Manager.

      In 14.0 and earlier, the Content tabs remained visible while in Experience Manager so the user could select a specific tab and switch to that specific document in the Content app with one click.

      In 14.1, the Content tabs are no longer visible when switching to Experience Manager. As an alternative, the user could use the browser back button / history to switch directly to an open document. However, because the page title is always "Bloomreach Experience 14", there is no way to know which document was open at which point in the history.

      Improvement proposal: when a user is using the Content app, and has a document selected, include the name of that document in the page title. This way, the browser history becomes more usable.


        1. image-2020-02-06-09-26-23-999.png
          26 kB
          Arent-Jan Banck
        2. Screen Shot 2020-02-05 at 3.54.43 PM.png
          153 kB
          Niels van Kampenhout

        Issue Links



              ntrajkovski Nikola Trajkovski
              nvankampenhout Niels van Kampenhout
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue

