As a result of HSTTWO-2273 the web.xml init params for prefix exclusions are not used any more, and as a result of webresources epic, the suffix exclusions from hst:virtualhosts have become redundant : It is much better to bootstrap it from the HST to the hst:default/hst:sitemap. This also makes it possible to make the /binaries prefix configurable by sitemap name if we want (using a sitemap identifier for binaries) and then invoke the binaries servlet with a preview or live jcr session
If you do not want to use or cant use a sitemap item for an exclusion (for example because you hit the HST over an ip address for say /ping which is not a configured host), you must use a comma separated
filter.prefix.exclusions or
Issue Links
- relates to
HSTTWO-2273 Replace most logic in the HstFilter with a DefaultMatchingPipeline consisting of a set of matcher valves
- Closed
ARCHE-406 Account for web.xml init param for suffix or prefix exclusions not being used any more
- Closed
HSTTWO-3146 Make sure the binaries servlet uses the jcr session from the HstRequestContext
- Closed