I posted a message on the mailinglist some time ago with regards to <hst:actionURL /> and parameter.namespace.ignored:
The reply was that you're not really supposed to use <param /> inside for your actionURL, but use normal form fields instead. Okay fair enough. But now I'm facing the same issue with <hst:resourceURL />. It seems to me that that would be a normal usecase right?
In short:
- turn on parameter.namespace.ignored
- create a resource link with a parameter <hst:resourceURL resourceId="someId"><hst:param name="x" value="y"/></hst:resourceURL>
- observe tat request.getParameter("x") in your component returns null instead of the expected 'y'.
A rather ugly workaround is to check for both request.getParameter(param) and request.getParameter(request.getReferenceNamespace() + ":" + param).