Too many logs are found with LocationMapResolver as follows in gogreen demo:
04.08.2011 22:09:46 WARN [org.hippoecm.hst.core.linking.LocationMapResolver.resolve():171] Unable to linkrewrite 'products/facetedproducts/Price/$ 0 - $ 25' to any sitemap item
04.08.2011 22:09:46 WARN [org.hippoecm.hst.core.linking.LocationMapResolver.resolve():171] Unable to linkrewrite 'products/facetedproducts/Product Category/Reuse' to any sitemap item
04.08.2011 22:09:46 WARN [org.hippoecm.hst.core.linking.LocationMapResolver.resolve():171] Unable to linkrewrite 'products/facetedproducts/Score/1 star or more' to any sitemap item
However, it doesn't show real problem or error at all.
Instead, because DefaultHstLinkCreator just tries to create link from candidate mounts, it just leaves the warning logs during the trials to find a proper mount.
That is, DefaultHstLinkCreator.HstLinkResolver#resolve() tries to create a link from other candidate mounts
In these look ups, it invokes DefaultHstLinkCreator#resolveToPathInfo(), which invokes LocationMapResolver#resolve().
Because its look ups from a mount to another mount is just normal process, the log shouldn't be WARNING, but a DEBUG.
Actually, DefaultHstLinkCreator.HstLinkResolver already leaves proper WARNING or ERROR logs already if not found as follows:
if(linkInfo == null) {
log.warn("Cannot create a link for node with path '{}'. Return a page not found link", nodePath);
return pageNotFoundLink(mount);
Therefore, I will change the log level in LocationMapResolver to DEBUG.