On a save in which a document is removed which contains a facetselect sometimes (although consistently) the facetselect node is not cleaned up properly. It looks like all the properties of the node are deleted but not the nodestate itself:
12.10.2009 11:02:47 WARN
deleted property state's parent not modified!
Also the nodes are not removed/repaired with the consistencyCheck/Fix options set to true. From the logs:
12.10.2009 12:09:00 WARN [] Not repairable: Node ed83ac33-2ba7-42f3-9b81-a46c1ae86565 has unknown parent: 385d79e2-4dfc-4e61-a408-8f9134e58235
12.10.2009 12:09:00 WARN [] Not repairable: Node bb7e6a7d-2b99-4aa8-ba5b-6dc60b44be06 has unknown parent: 3284d9ce-4cb6-4c3e-ab73-eea0f08482e2
12.10.2009 12:09:00 WARN [] 32 error(s) not repairable.
We should investigate how we are going to clean up the orphaned nodes that are left over from this bug (as opposed to orphaned nodes that may exist for other reasons)