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  1. [Read Only] - Hippo Repository
  2. REPO-1654

[Backport 2.10.1-h15] Wildcard searches seem to return the same score for every hit



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      On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 4:04 PM, Ivor Boers <ivor.boers@finalist.nl> wrote:
      > Hi,
      > I'm currently upgrading a 7.7 project to Hippo 10. One of the findings is
      > that the sort order of search result differs in both versions.
      > I've noticed that the jcr:score is the same for all searchresults in the
      > Hippo 10 implementation of the site. In the old application the jcr:score
      > differs for almost every document.
      > The HST query which is performed is something like:
      > //*[(@hippo:paths='996bcac5-86cf-49b5-a7a3-16a74863e814') and
      > (@hippo:availability='live') and not(@jcr:primaryType='nt:frozenNode') and
      > (jcr:contains(., 'bestuur*'))] order by @jcr:score descending
      > I have used this query in the repository servlet where the jcr:scores are
      > visible.
      > To verify this behaviour I have looked at some of our other projects.
      > In 7.7 and 7.8 project the jcr:score differ for each document; in a 7.9
      > project the scores are all equal.
      > Has there been a change in 7.9 which affect the jcr score?

      I did a quick check about your claims, and can conform that at least
      in CMS 10 the scores for documents containing a term with a wildcard
      postfix seem to return all equal indeed. Without the postfix wildcard,
      scoring does seem to be different. This is something that must have
      changed in Jackrabbit, the backing storage below Hippo Repository. It
      will require some time to sort out if the change that was made to
      Jackrabbit was an intentional one or not...and if intentional, what
      the rationale is behind equal scores in case of wildcard postfixing.

      Apologies I do not have this answer now right away

      Regards Ard


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              aschrijvers Ard Schrijvers
              aschrijvers Ard Schrijvers
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