Release Notes - [Read Only] - Addon Channel Manager - Version 3.1.0 - HTML format


  • [CHANNELMGR-241] - The pages item does not points to the hst:pages but it shows the list of sitemap items
  • [CHANNELMGR-277] - [Forward-port to trunk] Button labels show the key & not its value most of the time
  • [CHANNELMGR-290] - Fixed methods to enable/disable the delete button in the propertiesForm
  • [CHANNELMGR-296] - Restore the active tab after saving all dirty variants
  • [CHANNELMGR-302] - Component Properties panel does not become wider when variants are present
  • [CHANNELMGR-307] - REST session timeout problem

New Feature

  • [CHANNELMGR-275] - Show read-only component properties for 'locked' components
  • [CHANNELMGR-278] - Provide the current active variant to the variant adder
  • [CHANNELMGR-285] - Save all variants when components properties are saved
  • [CHANNELMGR-297] - Add a way to redraw the component properties dialog when variants have been deleted



  • [CHANNELMGR-273] - Extend PropertiesPanel to support copy active variant
  • [CHANNELMGR-281] - Extend PropertiesPanel to support notify goal changes in a variant to others in a component
  • [CHANNELMGR-294] - Hide delete button of the propertiesForm in new variant-tab
  • [CHANNELMGR-300] - Allow to set active tab from a given variant editor
  • [CHANNELMGR-306] - (Re)enable inheritance of hst:workspace elements to facilitate proper channel inheritance

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