Release Notes - [Read Only] - Hippo Site Toolkit 2 - Version 5.6.0 - HTML format


  • [HSTTWO-4398] - 404 response returned if versionHistory property is missing on handle
  • [HSTTWO-4412] - [Backport 12.6] Create menu item fails when hst:pagemodelapi is set in the hst:virtualhost node

New Feature

  • [HSTTWO-4304] - Support rendering versioned documents
  • [HSTTWO-4317] - Include used branch to render in the cache-key for a cached page
  • [HSTTWO-4404] - Deprecate templateQuery parameter of ManageContentTag
  • [HSTTWO-4405] - Make sure that available channels for a document needed for cms view can take branchId into account
  • [HSTTWO-4426] - Support virtual nodes for branches


  • [HSTTWO-4307] - Create and maintain campaigns branch
  • [HSTTWO-4449] - Merge campaigns feature to 12.6 release branch


  • [HSTTWO-4314] - Improve support rendering versioned documents
  • [HSTTWO-4315] - Access version history with liveuser without requiring a preview user
  • [HSTTWO-4451] - Deprecate JCRService for removal in 13.0

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