Release Notes - [Read Only] - Hippo Site Toolkit 2 - Version 4.2.5 - HTML format


  • [HSTTWO-4035] - [Back-port to 4.2] - Non-ASCII URL parameter names are not encoded/decoded correctly
  • [HSTTWO-4125] - [Backport to 11.2] HST tag hst:messagesReplace misbehaves when its body contains the hst:include tag
  • [HSTTWO-4141] - [backport 4.2] QueryStringBuilder#encodeName does not use correct set of allowed characters
  • [HSTTWO-4163] - Using Component Info inheritance leads to "Ignoring duplicate parameter" warnings
  • [HSTTWO-4172] - [Backport 11.2] Integration tests issues due to IT tests extending from RepostioryTestCase and others using Spring wired repository


  • [HSTTWO-4171] - [Backport 11.2] Upgrade to latest CXF 3.1.x version

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