Release Notes - [Read Only] - Hippo Site Toolkit 2 - Version 3.1.2 - HTML format


  • [HSTTWO-3514] - [Backport 3.1.x] Disable edit menu & page management in inherited sub channel as it results in technical error when tries to add/edit menu/page
  • [HSTTWO-3518] - [Backport 3.1.2] Container resources (webfiles, repository binaries and static webapp files) in case of submounts can incorrectly reset the 'rendering mount' in the channel mngr
  • [HSTTWO-3521] - [Backport 3.1.2] When a component item gets moved from one container to another, make sure that both containers get directly locked
  • [HSTTWO-3526] - [Backport 3.1.2] No cache eviction for changes to development files
  • [HSTTWO-3533] - [Backport 3.1.x] Make sure 'add page' is disabled when the configuration does not have its own workspace with pages and sitemap
  • [HSTTWO-3552] - Backport 3.1.2 When choosing a folder in the sitemenu item picker, the folder can be incorrectly selectable as link


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