Release Notes - Hippo CMS - Version 5.0.2 - HTML format


  • [CMS-10899] - [Backport 12.0] When using a multiple compound with a date field, adding a new field clears the values date in previous fields
  • [CMS-10918] - [Backport 12.0] Wicket development mode prevents opening documents

New Feature

  • [CMS-10860] - Upgrade Jackson2 to 2.8.8 and CXF to 3.1.12
  • [CMS-10907] - Update channel manager version to 5.0.2-SNAPSHOT


  • [CMS-10940] - Tag & Release CKEditor 4.7.1-h12.0.0


  • [CMS-10891] - [Back port to 12.0] Pass pluginContext and pluginConfig as constructor arguments to ImageCropEditorDialog
  • [CMS-10896] - RestProxyServicePlugin - request/response payload logging support
  • [CMS-10935] - Create separate CKEditor branches and versions for 12.0 and 12.1

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