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- HSTTWO-2363
Improve DocumentObjectBinder - HSTTWO-2184
Review Solr work so far - HSTTWO-2178
In case of HippoBean add the available virtual paths for all channels - HSTTWO-2177
Change getPath as identifier to getIdentifier - HSTTWO-2170
Create an example for 'incoming beans query' with Solr searching - HSTTWO-2169
Make sure that adding @IndexField to setter method or method that returns void does not result in issues - HSTTWO-2168
Rewrite the monolithic HippoSolrManagerImpl which currently also takes care of the indexing - HSTTWO-2165
Support for indexing composite compound beans and add unit tests - HSTTWO-2164
Move SolrConfigContextListener from the testsuite solr webapp to some reusable jar (in the HST?) - HSTTWO-2163
Create pluggable indexing queue with pluggable callbackhandlers to add extra custom indexing logic - HSTTWO-2158
Make it possible to not index super class / interface annotated @IndexField for Compounds - HSTTWO-2156
Log warning when two indexFields with same name (also through method) exists - HSTTWO-2154
Make it possible to index resources like pdf's - HSTTWO-2153
Support linkrewriting for HippoBeans where the backing JCR node is null - HSTTWO-2151
Solr-content-beans API and impl improvements - HSTTWO-2150
Implement the ReIndexOnChange annotation logic - HSTTWO-2149
Implement the IgnoreIndex annotation for ContentBeans and use them on Faceted navigation beans and alike - HSTTWO-2148
When indexing ContentBean's, also index mirror's in such a way that we can create 'incomingBeansQuery' also for Solr - HSTTWO-2147
Make it possible to annotate ContentBean return objects with IndexField - HSTTWO-2146
Improve indexing of Xinha fields to skip html tags - HSTTWO-2128
Add solr client and solr content bean and search to TESTSUITE and add examples - HSTTWO-2127
Create a hst-solr-client for actual indexing and spring wiring and a manager through which solr can be accessed - HSTTWO-2126
Create a hst-solr-content-beans module, the equivalent of the hst-content-beans, now only querying to solr - HSTTWO-2125
Introduce indexing annotations - HSTTWO-2124
Introduce new base for hippobean, contentbean which can also be provided by non jcr providers
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