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  1. [Read Only] - Hippo Repository
  2. REPO-2285

Autoexport override exporting of security configuration .meta:category system properties for better developer experience



    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Normal
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 14.0.0
    • None
    • None


      In the new v14 security model, the (product provided) security configuration (will) all use .meta:category: system for the following properties:

      • hipposys:userrole
      • hipposys:userroles (and with .meta:add-new-system-values: true)
      • hipposys:users (and with .meta:add-new-system-values: true)
      • hipposys:groups  (and with .meta:add-new-system-values: true)

      for the product or project provided configuration nodes (the built in bootstrapped users like admin or groups like admin, author, etc) with .meta:category: config:

      • users (node type hipposys:user or hipposys:externaluser)
      • groups (node type hipposys:group or hipposys:externalgroup)
      • domains authroles (node type hippo:authrole)

      to prevent being destructive on runtime production changes of these property values.

      Important note: everything else of the domain security configuration (including hipposys:authrole property hipposys:role) remains category config if it was bootstrapped as category config!

      This means that other runtime production changes to .meta:category: config nodes (including new domain authroles) must be merged back into a project its bootstrap (yaml) configuration to ensure those runtime production changes are not (possibly) destroyed on a subsequent deployment!
      This is not new behavior but the case since the introduction of the new configuration management in v12.

      However, marking the above 4 properties as .meta:category: system has a downside effect for the developer experience because autoexport now no longer will export local development changes either.
      This is cumbersome (and a likely unexpected behavior change) because a developer then must manually edit and add such changes directly through the yaml files.

      To prevent this undesirable side-effect, the autoexport service will use overriding behavior for specifically and only these 4 properties of these 5 node types (hipposys:user, hipposys:externaluser, hipposys:group, hipposys:externalgroup, hippo:authrole), by still exporting them, including the intended .meta:category: system, and for the multi value properties also .meta:add-new-system-values: true.

      For groups (/hippo:configuration/hippo:groups), roles (/hippo:configuration/hippo:roles) and the new userroles (/hippo:configuration/hippo:userroles) .meta:residual-child-node-category: system is used, and to support adding new groups, roles and userroles during development the default provided autoexport configuration is extended though its autoexport:overrideresidualchildnodecategory property with the following values, marking these paths as category config for local development only:

      autoexport:overrideresidualchildnodecategory: ["/hippo:configuration/hippo:groups: config",
                                                     "/hippo:configuration/hippo:roles: config",
                                                     "/hippo:configuration/hippo:userroles: config"]

      Runtime (only) added groups, roles and userroles therefore are protected from accidental removal after a new deployment.   

      The merging back of runtime production changes as mentioned above, a developer/admin can/should make use of the Configuration Verifier.
      Easier to use tooling for more directly merging back runtime configuration changes into a development setup is intended to  be added in a (minor) next release soon.


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