To reproduce changing of type 1:
- Create a node 'test' under the root node
- Add a multiple property with type Long
- Leave value empty and click OK
! The type becomes String
To reproduce changing of type 2:
- Create a node 'test' under the root node
- Add a multiple property with type Long
- Set the value to 1000 and click OK
- Add or delete the value
! The type becomes String
To reproduce not allowing to add a value:
- Go to a document prototype node (hipposysedit:prototype)
- Add a multiple Long property with value 1000
- Try to add a value to the property
! The value is not added, and the following message shows in the log:
ERROR [http-8080-5] [org.hippoecm.frontend.plugins.console.editor.PropertiesEditor$2.onClick():130] conversion failed: String to Long