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  1. Hippo CMS
  2. CMS-4543

Enhanced initialization of configuration in the repository



    • New Feature
    • Status: Closed
    • Normal
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 2.18.00
    • None
    • None


      Also known as property level initialization, as it being one of its main uses. This issue has been communicated over the mailing list, where the proposal is below. In summary is it currently not possible to make fine grained or more controlled import of content without having either to delete existing content first or being real careful about the order in which to import.

      As you you can specify through the usage of the hippoecm-extension.xml files
      that you want to auto-initialize certain content in the repository for the
      CMS. In these extension files you specify the names of XML files that you
      want to be imported into the repository if not already imported. The
      importing finds place using the regular JCR method for importing content from
      XML files (javax.jcr.Session.importXML(), albeit it a slightly enhanced

      There are however a number of limitations of importing content through these
      specific XML files. One of the most striking is that you cannot simply set a
      single property, but have to import an entire node, creating a problem when
      the node is already there. Given this use case the improvement we will be
      working on has become known as "property level initialization", but there are
      in fact more uses we want to address.
      One would be like to be able to for example:

      • add values to a multi value properties, or insert at a specific position;
      • insert nodes at a specfic location below ordered parent nodes;
      • overriding the type, or adding a mixin and merge new properties;

      We discussed a number of options and although we could use a single approach
      provide enough power to perform all kind of actions, there are different
      audiences who want to use these improvements.

      There for we /currently/ settled on the following three ways to improve the
      initialization of content and configuration:

      1) For a few, but very common uses, we could extend the possible actions that
      you can specify in the hippoecm-extension.xml file. There should be only a
      limited set of actions to be added to cover only the most uses (say only add
      three of four but really stop at that, also not extend in future). We're
      thinking about the following two:
      a) add the functionality to SET a property to a single value. In case a
      new value is not specified the property it either removed in case of a
      single valued property or set to an empty list in case the value is
      multi valued;
      b) add a value to a multi value property, the value is added as the last
      element of the list.
      This should cover the most use cases as configuring the Xinha, perspective
      tabs and htmlcleaner. In case you have very common other demands we'd like
      your input.

      2) Enhance the XML importer such that the XML file you are inputting can
      contain additional directives. With these directives you can specify on a per
      node or property level if content should be merged, overridden, removed or
      inserted in a specific order. All of the above mentioned cases should be
      covered with this.

      3) Allow a programmatic initialization, in order write your own code to
      initialize content. This requires more error prone programming, is a bit low
      level and slower, but allows you to conditionally change content and provide
      your own(tm) input format files and own(tm) api for importing content to be
      Especially when doing complex imports this might be very valuable, but this
      approach would be there to cover the last 10 percent of the use-cases for
      power users. On the upside, this method can already easily be supported
      through UpdaterModule in the repository with a minor change.




            jsheriff Junaidh Kadhar Sheriff
            berry van halderen Berry van Halderen (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue



              Time Tracking

                Original Estimate - 1 day
                Remaining Estimate - 1 day
                Time Spent - Not Specified
                Not Specified