Overview issue, containing or linking to the issues that involve performance improvements.
This issue itself should NEVER be used to commit code. Seperate issues should be used to indicate a performance improvement such that such an issue described the actual performance loss/improvement. and can be checked, resolved or reopened as such.
Issue Links
- includes
CMS-1683 Allow for CMS and sites to connect to the repository without rmi in the same jvm
- Closed
CMS-1400 Investigate why BundlePersitencyManagers clear out the jcr:data (binary) property fields.
- Closed
CMS-190 Tests and certain deployments have only half configured hippo repository, resulting in non-fatal errors on missing functionalities
- Closed
CMS-1432 Improve UI performance
- Closed
CMS-1672 Hardcode implementation of standard (configuration) queries which are direct references to paths
- Closed